Monday, 13 December 2010

Evaluation 3: What have you learned from your auidence feedback?

After showing my music video for the class the first time, i found that there were many aspects that people thought i could improve on. I gained knowledge from people and used there feedback to see what people wanted from my video, and how they thought it could have been improved. i look at all the subjects raised by my audience and looked at the moments where there could have been improvements, I used the ideas stated by other people and changed certain things to improve the quality of my music video.
Wordle: Media feedbackWordle: Untitled After receiving my feedback the most common constructive criticism given was that there was not enough effects or transitions throughout the piece. therefore I decided to find areas where i thought a transition effect from scene to scene would be relevant. another problem was that there was difference between the flashback sequences and the present action .therefore i decided lay one image over the other. by lowering the opacity of one of the images you could then see the other image behind in an overlay. this then gave a flashback from a personal point of view, being like a daydream for the character.

My most challenging part of filming was the scenes of the projections onto the body, i found that the image did not correspond with what I imagined. because I used a common white board the blackness of the board was lighter than the walls, this created a slight colour change in the frame between the board and the wall. after my feedback was given I realised that people could tell that this was apparent. therefore I decided to simply crop the image rather than losing the effect of the sequence.

After the first viewing and the feedback I realised that a lot of my intended meanings were been lost on the audience. to achieve my target I had to make certain things more clear for the audience to understand. at first my feedback showed that the audience did not realise that the stop motion images were showing the past events and the video itself was the aftermath of this. by creating more of an emphasis s on the stop motion , I wanted to always add a clip after each stop motion sequence of the character being in despair, I wanted the stop motion to take presence of the rest of the action in that time scale. my narrative was the main genre of the piece and i had to ensure that the audience new what was happening and for what reason.

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